About Me


I’m Ariane, but use many different names (currently: intothisshadow, extant previously: ariane666, ariane179254, aunexisteamor) on different sites because that one is usually taken.

I’m Finnish, born in 1974 and librarian by profession. I’m also a spoonie with several chronic health conditions that have kept me on sick leave on unemployed the last decade. Unfortunately, those same health conditions have made being creative difficult due to pain and lousy energy levels. I enjoy making fansites, screencapping, playing around in Photoshop and baking. Recently, I got interested in acrylic painting and dying paper.

I used to love writing fanfic, and still enjoy it sometimes. I usually wrote something smutty, and so far they mostly feature Ardeth Bay from The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. I have a bunch of half-finished stuff for other fandoms (Stargate: Atlantis Todd The Wraith smut, and Space: Above And Beyond, smut featuring McQueen) that I keep hoping to finish some day.

I post my stuff here, as well as the following archives:

I decided not to re-post a couple of my unfinished fics that were up before, just didn’t feel like re-posting them.


If warnings are necessary to you, please be sure to read my Ratings & Warnings page before proceeding to fics.

I used to be dead-set against warnings because I didn’t know the difference between being squicked and triggered. I don’t have triggers or squicks myself, just things I don’t care to read but they don’t affect me beyond a second of meh & then I forget it as soon as I close the tab. So as a reader I don’t want/need to see warnings or tags beyond the rating, a blurb and pairing/main characters. I didn’t know that triggers existed (except vaguely in relation to soldiers who’d seen war and have PTSD), only squicks. I didn’t how being triggered can affect a person until someone on LJ described the difference between triggers and squicks. So at first I talked myself into adding the Author Chooses Not To Warn and just used that for a long time. Recently I’m changing this thinking a little further and decided to start using the AO3 system.

Transformative Works Policy

Consider this open permission to make art, podfic and translate into other languages, with proper credit and a link back to the original work of course. Please send me a link to complete work as well, if you’d like, so I can add it to the fic in question.

If you ever need to change words/omit dialogue tags/add dialogue tags/bend, fold, spindle or punch holes in one of my fics for better podficcing purposes, please do so at will!

This is tricky work that deserves recognition, so I would really dig it if you mentioned it in notes, wherever you would normally have notes: “this fic is by [author] with (additions/alterations/ease-of-podfic transformations/contributions/however you want to describe it) by [your name]”, or “adapted for podfic by [you] from a work by [author]” or whatever — whether that’s in your post or in the “headers” in the podfic.

Getting remixed and/or sequeled is something I’m not comfortable with at the moment.

(transformative works policy mostly snagged from [personal profile] helens78 & [livejournal.com profile] ciel_vert)